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Committees 2023-2024

Membership Chair- Susie Downing - Contact: #304-281-3321

Members: Marsha Porter, Kim Mokros, Marty Pfeister, Christine Clagett, Jerry Fish, Sara Richardson, Julia Sheets

Social Media Committee Chair: Christine Clagett #740-680-7160

Members: James Anderson, Gabe Phillips, Sara Richardson

Booster Buddies/Housing Committee Chair: Julia Sheets - Contact: #304-281-9919 Members: Marsha Porter, Harry Porter, Kim Mokros, Jim Hench, Marty Pfeister, James Anderson, Christine Clagett, Rick Harris, Susie Downing, Sara Richardson, Gabe Phillips

50/50 Committee Chair: Christine Clagett #740-680-7160
Members: Marsha Porter, Kim Mokros, Brenda Baldwin, Marty Pfeister, James Anderson, Lary Glagett, Julia Sheets, Susie Downing, Gabe Phillips, Sara Richardson

Transportation Committee Chair: Jerry Fish - Contact: #304-670-2194
Members: Kim Mokros, Jim Hench, Marty Pfeister, James Anderson, Rick Harris, Susie Downing, Julia Sheets, Gabe Phillips, Sara Richardson

Bus Trip Committee Chair: Jacob Fradette - Contact: #330-858-2489
Members: Brenda Baldwin, Gabe Phillips, Sara Richardson, Julia Sheets

Fundraising Committee Chair: Kim Mokros - Contact: #740-359-5342
Members: Marsha Porter, Brenda Baldwin, Jim Hench, Julia Sheets, Susie Downing, Marty Pfeister, James Anderson, Sara Richardson, Gabe Phillips

Nominating Chair: Marsha Porter - Contact: #304-280-1036

Audit Committee Chair: Marsha Porter - Contact: #304-280-1036

Junior Boosters Chair: Brenda Baldwin - Contact: #740-359-1620
Members: Kirsten Morgan, (Brenda Baldwin),  Clay, Cooper, & Coen Coulson, (Kim Mokros), Jason (Susie Downing)

Game Day Ops Working Group...
In charge on Ice: Jim Hench 
In charge Promos/Programs: Richard "Chris" Cooke
Larry Clagett, Richard "Chris" Cooke,  Jerry Fish, Jeremy Engell, Talon Getchey, Rick Harris, Kirsten Morgan, Kaitlyn Fish,


Special note:
Game Day Ops positions and times will be assigned based on needs for that day.

*If you are interested in joining a committee please contact that committee's chair person to be added, or If you are no longer interested in assisting on a committee please contact that committee's chair person to be removed.

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